“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day" Proverbs 4:18
Always when I’m at the beach, the Lord awakens me early to find the morning just about to break forth. I can’t help but be in awe at the beauty that is before me. It’s like God’s face is shining upon his creation and he’s waiting for those he has created to take notice.
The above scripture paints a “picture” that helps us understand the beauty of the path that the righteous are on. There is not only a chosen path for us, but one of beauty and brilliance. It’s a path that gets brighter as we walk in the ways of the Lord until we become the “light of the world - a city on a hill that cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14).
When we begin our journey with the Lord, it’s like the first gleam of dawn. The darkness we had known gave way to the light of Jesus, the light of the world (John 8:12). Light had come into our hearts to dwell forever. I remember hearing newly saved saying …. Even the grass and trees look brighter. Everything seemingly changes around us when in reality - the change was in the heart and with that came a new perception of the world. The break of dawn began.
But, that is just the beginning. Those who are righteous (just,in conduct and character, vindicated by God) have a bright future ahead IF they remain on the path chosen for them until the day we all are face to face with the creator of all light - Jesus (Gen 1:3). Remain faithful to the path even when the Son cannot be seen or felt upon you. Did you know that even on a cloudy day….the sun is shining. So when your path collides with the clouds, and it will --- remember…the SON in all His brilliance is shining brightly upon you. By faith, keep walking in the light as He is in the Light (1 John 1:7).
Just as the dawn turns into morning and then to the brightest part of the day - noon, so is the path of the righteous. Brighter still our path as we keep our gaze upon the beauty of the Lord until the full light of day when we are overcome by “The Everlasting Light.”
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